About the Municipal Reforesation Program

An Act Establishing the Municipal Reforestation Program sets up a structure to provide funding for municipalities throughout the Commonwealth to create a robust urban tree canopy cover in strategic locations, especially in treeless neighborhoods.

The program funds things such as:

Outcomes include:

  • Strengthening climate resilience by strategically incorporating trees into green infrastructure projects

  • Prioritizing the inclusion of green, sustainable infrastructure in the development of transportation infrastructure

  • Prioritizing the expansion of the urban tree canopy cover in environmental justice neighborhoods, including expanding parks and open spaces

  • Providing equitable access to funding for rural and urban neighborhoods for opportunities to develop green infrastructure

  • Maintaining the health of newly planted and existing trees in the urban environment by providing funding for maintenance and for inspection for pests and diseases

  • Prioritizing the expansion of the urban tree canopy cover in municipalities to achieve a tree canopy cover of at least 60 percent

  • Prioritizing planting native trees when possible, seed-grown when available

For More Info:

Current Senate SD 553.  and House HD 1013 bills for 194th session.

The information below refers to the bills from last session.
Most of this session’s bill are identical. There are slight modifications.